Tuesday, August 19, 2014

[Recap] Show Me The Money 3 Episode 3

Sorry for the late update! A couple of you have voiced your frustration about how slow we are with the recap series and I swear we're not doing this on purpose. Anyway...

Once again, Ranya (@itsRanya) will be joining us in our uptake of this farce. Still tryna catch up! We’ll get there soon. Or maybe not. Does it really matter? This show is better second time around, when you let the shit sink in. Also Ranya made a blog of her own recently, it's empty for now but keep an eye out for this one.

Ranya: I would like to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug @dok2plzexplain

Sangha: Y'all know how we look up to Dok2 for his infinite wisdom.

Episode 3 picks up where it left off in the last episode. 46 contestants moved up from the solo rounds. We’re in the 1:1 battle rounds now, where contestants will be randomly picked out of a hat, and the picked contestant can choose their own opponent. At the end of the last episode, we saw Bobby pick Kim Sung Hee as his opponent. From a glimpse of the 1:1 performance we got in episode 2, we saw that Bobby forgot his lyrics big time. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

[Recap] Show Me The Money 3 Episode 2

And we're back with episode 2! Episode 2 added onto the drama that made episode 1 so much fun. In the last episode, we saw the show end up on a cliffhanger with the Tymee and Jolly.V's second round performances being cut. We'll get to see the two ladies' solo performances today, and then some!

Like the last recap, my dear friend Ranya (@itsRanya) will be joining me. We're trying our best to catch up to the show at the moment, so please be patient! (I do understand that episode 5 aired last night and caused the biggest shit tornado. Feel free to discuss this in the comments but have spoiler alerts!)